About Us - A Prodigal Redeemed

Est. 2 Tim 1:9
In business since 2016
In business since 2016
As a prodigal son pursued by his Father, years ago I had a divine intervention. An appointment that could have only been orchestrated by a power outside of time and rooted in love. I had a moment of clarity in perhaps my lowest sinful state. I was at a point in my life when my humanity seemed lost and the gravity of my situation really sank in. It was in that moment of clarity I realized just how removed I was from any sense of "normal" and above all removed (in my mind) from God and morality. It was in that moment of clarity when I decided to lift up one last prayer to a creator and asked "God if you are out there, and there if there really is a God, I need you to reveal yourself to me in a way I can not deny. I need to know you're really there". In my mind I thought that that would be the last prayer I'd ever offer up again. In fact, it had been years since I even thought about praying and this would be the first in a long time and I thought the last one. I was asking not for help from God that day, but I was setting out to renounce God for good. I was trying to remove any sliver of morality that I might have had left so I could continue deeper in my sin with no remorse. Little did I know that even though I had was giving up God He never gave up on me. That wouldn't be my last prayer after all. What preceded immediately was a series of events that could have only been from an omnipotent loving God, who existed outside of time. I didn't know in that moment, but God had already answered my prayer even before I spoke it. He answered with 3 simple words that changed my life forever. That answer was "GOD IS LOVE".
Because of the depth of my testimony and limited space on this page I will be working on a video compiling my testament, which reveals in depth His amazing Love and Grace, and how only a God who exists outside of time could have known my prayer even before I thought it, and could answer it hours before I even prayed it.
Since the moment Jesus took the shovel from my hand and I stopped digging my own grave I couldn't help but tell people of the Love that saved even a wretch like me. If He could love a sinner like me, in the condition I was in, then he could love anyone and everyone! So I tell people to the best of my abilities. One of those abilities He gave me is the creativity that He has instilled in me even before I resided my mother's womb. My oldest memories from my youth are filled with artistic influences fostering an imagination that has lead me to where I am today. I even recall as a child studying the drawing of the iconic Morton Salt Girl and realizing just how powerful an image can be. A creative graphic really has a way of leaving an impression with us. Just look at the hundreds of billions of dollars spent yearly on advertising that testifies of that power imagery. Try to find a street without an advertisement, they are far and few between. I also know above all things the immense power of God's word! "Let there be light" sound familiar? Three simple but profound words in my own personal life "GOD IS LOVE" changed EVERYTHING for me. The Lord says in Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. I know the power of His word. I also know that we are constantly bombarded with all sorts of imagery trying to draw our attention to all types of distractions and many evils. Realizing these things I've decided to take the gift He has given me and use some of my creativity to come up with graphics inspired by His word. Every shirt I print is inspired by the word and has scripture incorporated in its design. Some are simple, some more intricate. But I know the power and impact of even just one word from Him can have. There have been moments in my own life where I've been struggling, was praying, then I looked up and saw a verse (on a bumper sticker) that was speaking to my exact situation in that moment. Or turn on the radio to hear a lyric that brought me to tears. My hope and my prayer is that maybe someone is wearing one of the shirts found here and it speaks to someone in a line at a store, or out on the street on a leisure day. Maybe it'll help strike up a conversation with a stranger, opening the door to share the gospel. In a world where there is so much darkness and the noise is so loud with distractions I hope to be a light upon a hill pointing to Jesus.
Thank you for reading and God Bless!
Sean Kearney
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:14-16